Habitat Restoration

  • A panoramic landscape photograph of a saltmarsh habitat, with brushwood fencing installed which reduces erosion
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Here at Exo Environmental, we have extensive experience in conducting surveys associated with habitat restoration.

A range of surveying has been undertaken throughout the UK which has provided vital information to national bodies such as Natural England, the Environment Agency and the Broads Authority to inform them on the best practices to maintain and restore important habitats.

Providing solutions via management, soft engineering and through experimental deployment of the newest designs in restoration, Exo Environmental has been involved with projects throughout the Offshore, Terrestrial and Intertidal environments, everything from Peatland rewetting restoration to Oyster beds in the River Colne.

A black flag marks the end of a line of brushwood fencing which has been installed to reduce wave energy and promote regrowth of saltmarsh habitat

Brushwood Barrier Completed on Cobmarsh Island, Mersea

A triangular prism frame hosts a range of textured oyster discs, aimed at providing habitats for oysters

Oyster Discs Set on Frame Pre-Deployment.