MMO Licensing, Applications and Support
The Marine Management Organisation or the MMO is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by DEFRA. Formed in 2009 under the Marine and Coastal Access Act, it is the MMO’s role ‘’…to protect and enhance our precious marine environment and support UK economic growth by enabling sustainable marine activities and development’’ (UK Government).
What this means in practice is that any activity that takes place below Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) falls under the jurisdiction of the MMO. This activity can be anything from dredging a marina, harbour or stretch of estuary to marine infrastructure construction projects such as windfarm foundations and cable laying.
The Process
Brightlingsea Harbour
Before your project can go ahead, an MMO licence is required. This is where we at Exo come in; we have over 8 years’ worth of experience and knowledge of handling multiple projects requiring MMO licences and permits. Our previous projects have included obtaining dredging licences for Brightlingsea harbour, and shingle recharge projects in Mersea Island and Langstone Harbour.
Firstly, we will establish the location and height of your project in reference to the tidal prism, to understand whether it falls within the MMO jurisdiction. We will then establish whether your project falls within any statutory protected areas such as SSSI, SAC’s, RAMSAR or SPA’s. If it does, we can help design your project to ensure that these protected areas remain undisturbed. We are also able to write the documentation required and submit this to the MMO with necessary evidence, all on your behalf. We can then handle all enquiries and questions from the MMO about your project, so you don’t have to.
In our experience, most projects requiring an MMO licence will also likely need other permits, for example Local Planning Authority Permission. We can also apply for and handle all enquiries for these other licences alongside your MMO application.
The Result
When you obtain your licence, we will offer you our continued support through the lifetime of your licence, dealing with any issues or enquiries that arise. If you decide that you would like to extend your license once it is nearing expiry, we can also support you in this re-application process.
If you need support with an MMO licence, or if you’re not sure, then please get in contact with us via our enquiries email , telephone 0330 8080 377 or via our socials.