Woodbridge Tide Mill - Dredging
On a brilliantly sunny week this May, The Exo Team were down in Woodbridge, Suffolk working alongside the folks at the Woodbridge Tide Mill Trust. The Trust manage the mill, which is a historic location and attraction. The mill continues to grind their own flour, a tradition dating from at least 1170 where a mill or similar structure has been operated and rebuilt numerous times in that location.
Recently a cause for concern has been the build up of sediment within the harbour, with the potential to effect the operation of the Tide Mill. The sediment was causing water to pool in the outflow raceway of the mill until the changing of the tides. This pooling meant water backed up to the outflow of the mill to where the water wheel itself sat, with water sitting at the base of the wheel causing it to be unable to turn. This was reducing the time the Trust could spend with the wheel running and as such a solution was needed and Exo Environmental was contacted.
Over a course of a week the Exo Team worked with the mill utilising a high pressure pump to dislodge the loose sediment and mud building up along the outflow raceway of the water wheel . Together, the water of the receding tide and outflow from the mill carried the sediment out of the blocked raceway.
Beginning of Day 1
Final Day Result!
Working within the deep mud and sediment surrounding the harbour made for tough work for the team but the results can be clearly seen. The raceway for the outflow now has a deep and wide channel through the sediment allowing for easier flow of water, preventing the pooling and build-up which was a concern for the Tide Mill Trust.
This work has made an excellent start to ensuring the Tide Mill can continue to run for many more years to come!
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